The Centre of Hypodontia in the County of Northern Jutland was established in 1997. Residents in this county (population approximate 500.000) suffering from oligodontia can be referred to the Center independent of age. Children belonging to the public health care system in Denmark are referred when a diagnosis is established during the screening procedure within the public health care system. This normally happens at the age 10-11 for girls and 11-12 for boys. Based on the actual birth rate of 6.000/year and an estimated prevalence of 0.1% of oligodontia1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the expected number of new patients referred from the public health care system is 6 patients each year. The actual distribution of the referred patients (n=107) for the first four years is presented at Fig.V110.

Distribution of the 107 patients with oligodontia according to age at the time of referral.
The age distribution shows that a high number of adult non-treated patients in the population were referred during the first four years. Among the 107 referred patients, nine patients (8.4%) were diagnosed as having ectodermal dysplasia and one patient (0.9%) was found to have incontinentia pigmenti.

Distribution of the 107 patients with oligodontia according to sex and
the number of congenitally missing teeth in each patient.
Fig. V111

The number of teeth missing related to localization.
Total number of missing teeth = 1087