


Treatment guidelines for avulsed permanent teeth


Clinical situation

The tooth has already been replanted

The tooth has been kept in special storage media, milk, saline or saliva.
The extraoral dry time is less than 20 minutes

Extraoral dry time > 60 minutes


Clean affected area with water spray or saline
Do not extract the tooth

If contaminated, clean the root surface and the apical foramen with a stream of saline.
Remove the coagulum from the socket with a stream of saline. Examine the alveolar socket. If there is a fracture of the socket wall, reposition it with a suitable instrument. Replant slowly with slight digital pressure.

In teeth with imature root formation replantation is generally not indicated (xx)
In teeth with completed root formation
a) Remove debris and the necrotic periodontal ligament.
b) Perform a pulp extirpation.
c) Immerse the tooth in a 2.4% sodium fluoride solution acidulated to a pH 5.5 for 20 min
d) Rinse the root and the root canal with saline
e) Root fill the tooth
f) Remove the clot in the socket
g) Reposition the tooth

Suture gingival laceration, especially in the cervical area.
Apply a flexible splint for 1 week
Verify normal position of the replanted tooth radiographically

Splint the tooth for 3 weeks
with a splint

Administer systemic antibiotics:
Penicillin V 1000 mg immediately, thereafter 500 mg four times daily for 4 days
or Tetracycline if the upper cuspids have already erupted.
Provide tetanus prophylactics immediately if the avulsed tooth has contacted soil

Patient instruction

Soft diet for two weeks
Brush teeth with a soft toothbrush after each meal
Use a chlorhexidine mouthrinse (0,1%) twice a day for 1 week
Follow up (See Table)




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